Building a bold, pioneering brand to help promote purposeful pest control
When a pioneering bio-tech company needed a strong visual identity and brand story to arouse interest among investors and commercial partners as it looked to break into the US market, it knew it could rely on an impact-based agency like Design Motive for expert help.
Operating at the cutting edge of bio-technology, SOLASTA Bio has developed a game-changing solution for global agri-businesses and growers that enables them to protect crops in a bio-safe way.
While traditional insect control techniques are toxic, SOLASTA’s innovative approach offers unique insect specificity and a ‘disrupt not destroy’ mode of action that ensures no environmental damage.

A female-led company with an impressive team of global executives and academic researchers, SOLASTA combines world-class scientific expertise with a deep sense of caring for the planet. Blending this inherently nurturing approach with laser-focused technical innovation has resulted in a completely new precision-targeted insect control solution – with the potential to deliver huge positive impacts for farmers, food consumers, populations, land and essential pollinators around the world.
Our challenge was how to encapsulate the wonderfully inspiring sense of purpose and environmental responsibility of SOLASTA alongside the team’s technical credentials and ground-breaking innovation. All communicated within a significantly differentiated, softer, deeply caring, ‘for everyone’ framework.

We introduced a colour palette that’s unexpected, offering a lighter touch in the traditionally functional agri sector and a tone of voice that’s both caring and positive but also inherently credible. Simplifying the value proposition allowed us to communicate the SOLASTA Bio in a clear and compelling way that’s instantly easy to understand for audiences ranging from scientists and investors to journalists, potential commercial partners and crop farmers themselves.
Behind that, we created a strong brand story that the team can confidently share with others in a very consistent and powerful way. It will help them introduce new technology into a fairly restricted industry, and to promote a desire to instil change while accelerating their brand in a successful way.
It’s all about raising awareness of SOLASTA Bio’s ability to provide a serious, commercially effective and sustainable alternative to traditional insecticides to deliver long-term positive impact for every living thing on the planet.

“We wanted to be able to tell our story in a way that wasn’t all about the science. That’s pioneering, but there’s also real purpose behind what we’re doing – and we wanted that to come across. What Design Motive have delivered is both simple and elegant. It immediately sets our proposition apart.”
Professor Shireen Davies